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What is CBD? The Basics of CBD.

An Introduction to CBD:

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of hundreds of compounds, called cannabinoids, that are naturally occurring in the cannabis plant. A few of the more popular cannabinoids are commonly known as THC, CBD, CBG, CBC and CBN. While CBD remains non psychoactive (no high), it does interact with our internal regulatory processes through what is called the endocannabinoid system.

From wikipedia: A cannabinoid is one of a class of diverse chemical compounds that acts on cannabinoid receptors, which are part of the endocannabinoid system found in cells that alter neurotransmitter release in the brain. Full article.

1. CBD is short for CannaBiDiol.

2. CBD is simply an active chemical compound.  One of over 120 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant and considered as one of the most powerful, natural medicines available. 

3. Hemp and marijuana are both from the cannabis family.  The hemp plant contains extremely high levels of CBD with low THC levels while the marijuana plant contains extremely high levels of THC. THC is psychoactive and makes you feel high. 

4. CBD has been studied for it’s wide range of benefits for the body and mind and has a variety of properties that are getting noticed by the medical community. With CBD from the hemp plant, you get all the health benefits from cannabis without the high.

5. CBD and THC compounds belong to molecules called phytocannabinoids. Cannabinoids determine the type of effect on the body. When CBD or a group of cannabinoids bind to specialized CB1 and CB2 receptors; the cell triggers, notifying there is a change in cell activity.

6. CB1 receptors are in the nervous system, glands, organs and connective tissue. CB2 receptors have an effect on the immune system and your functioning health.

7. The natural cannabinoids within your body work with these receptors to prevent your nervous system from misfiring or acting defectively. Natural cannabinoid deficiency will lead to negative effects on your body’s nervous system and your body as a whole.

8. Unlike other cannabinoids, CBD stimulates the body’s natural endogenous cannabinoids which sends signals to activate those receptors to do their job naturally.

Your body needs cannabinoids when you are endocannabinoid deficient. Just like taking vitamin D for bone strength. This is because our body needs the right balance of cannabinoids to keep your body and nervous system in good health.

The first and most abundant cannabinoid found in marijuana is THC. THC has the ability to alter your mental state or behavior. This is the element that makes you high.

The most abundant cannabinoid found in hemp is CBD. The majority of CBD oils and other CBD products come from hemp. CBD is a compound that does not produce a psycho active high. Instead, it interacts with the body in a more indirect way. It  can increase the body’s natural endocannabinoids by preventing them from breaking down enzymatically.

This is great news for people who desire the medicinal benefits of cannabis without the side effect of getting high or stoned.

CBD works as an endocannabinoid modular. This means when a disease starts to take over your body it will create an imbalance within a body system. CBD then works to get those systems to balance back to where they should be; healthy, working condition.

Cannabis is an umbrella term that includes both hemp and marijuana plants. Cannabis sativa is actually the scientific name of the cannabis plant, and hemp and marijuana are just two different “varieties” of it, like cousins.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol(CBD) are two of the 80+ cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. THC is the compound that imparts that ‘high’ feeling and has many medicinal qualities. However, CBD has most if not more of the medicinal attributes of THC while lacking THC’s psychoactive properties. In fact, CBD works to regulate these properties in the body.

Putting CBD it into the same category as marijuana is profoundly misguided.

And depending on the state you live in, marijuana, may or may not be legal.  Whereas, hemp is legal now in all 50 states. 

  • Hemp contains practically zero THC.
  • Hemp contains other cannabinoids, one of them is CBD.

In order to be classified as hemp, a cannabis plant must contain less than 0.3% THC by volume. This is the reason why hemp products are legal to buy, sell and ship.  Which is why anyone can order CBD derived from hemp plant, straight to their doorstep.

Note: CBD is now legal in the US and Texas, however if you would like to protect your right to utilize the medicinal powers of marijuana CONTACT YOUR CONGRESSMAN to let them know the importance of this issue to you.

There a few different techniques that can be used.

Use of Harsh Chemicals. NOT GOOD.

The most popular used to be by running harsh chemicals like butane (lighter fluid) or hexane over the raw plant material, but this results in trace amounts of carcinogenic compounds (like formaldehyde) being left over in the end product.

A bunch of manufacturers still use this method so it’s important to do your research on the products you’re buying.

CO2 Extraction. Much cleaner and believed to be much healthier.

Many manufacturers are now switching over to a method called CO2 extraction. The exact extraction process determines whether the active CBD compound is removed from the plant as an “isolate” (Pure CBD) or as a “full-spectrum” oil. ...READ MORE

The Wonders of CBD Oil

The healthful benefits of CBD oil are vast and bountiful. When other pharmaceutical medications fail CBD oil has been show to be a natural alternative.

The oil can be used in lotions and salves. It can be taken in tincture form.  You can also vape or even smoke CBD hemp flower. 

There are promising surveys and studies that suggest CBD could be helpful for many conditions. All the ways CBD could be beneficial are just beginning to be discovered. 

CBD oil has many uses and benefits.

Some studies show that CBD and THC work best synergistically, enhancing one another’s potentially beneficial properties. However, THC is often stigmatized as a recreational, controlled substance, and illegal in some states. CBD is seen as a therapeutic substance, so, for many, CBD can be used in places where THC is illegal as long as the THC levels are <0.3%.

Full spectrum products contain legal traces of THC, while CBD ISOLATES and CBG:CBD OIL BROAD SPECTRUM contain no THC.

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