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Tea is an ancient drink originating from Asia. It’s a great way to unwind after a stressful day.  Traditionally it is prepared with tea leaves, however, steeped hemp leaves can do the job just as well.  Hemp buds have a pleasing, earthy taste and hemp tea is a great addition to any wellness, nighttime or beauty routine.

hemp tea

Hemp tea is simply seedless hemp buds that have been ground.

The cannabis hemp plant is an incredible healing herb. The entire plant, including the roots, flower, leaves and seeds can be extracted, cooked, brewed and eaten.

RESTART CBD premium hemp flower is perfect for a high strength CBD tea. Hemp plants are rich in antioxidants and cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is one of the most prevalent cannabinoids found in the female cannabis plant. Within hemp there are reported to be over 100 phytocannabinoids. These are chemical compounds that contain a wide range of benefits due to their interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS).

hemp tea

Benefits of CBD include helping to:

  • Support a good night’s rest
  • Maintain a sense of overall wellness
  • Assist post-workout recovery
  • Support healthy skin

These are just a few of the uses for CBD. By consuming this tea, you may find support for any of those areas.

hemp tea recipe

Preparation of hemp tea is very similar to any other tea.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of dry hemp flower per cup, about 1/2 gram.  For best results grind up your flower.  (In a grinder, by hand, cut it up with scissors.)
  • Place in a pre-heated 200 degree oven for 20″ to decarb* your flower.
  • Place in a tea bag, or tea ball strainer. If you put tea directly into your cup, it will need to be strained.
  • Pour hot water over it.
  • Let it steep (soak in water) between 2 and 5 minutes, depending on how strong you want the tea.
  • CBD is not naturally water soluble, so it’s recommended to add dash of fat such as milk, coconut oil or a small amount of butter, you must add a fatty base to your tea to help with absorption. Adding in coconut milk or coconut oil makes for a more filling tea, which may not be ideal. One of the best ways to simplify your CBD hemp tea project is to use RESTART CBD oils.
  • Hemp tea has a very pleasant taste, like a herbal tea but as with any other tea, you can modify it to taste by sweetening it or adding a squeeze of lemon.

It is important to remember that as hemp tea, hemp buds contain trace levels of THC. You won’t get “high” from  drinking hemp tea because hemp contains no more than 0.3 % THC.  At this small concentration, you will not feel any kind of  “high” after consuming the tea.

CBD, one of the active cannabinoids found in cannabis, is:

  • non-psychoactive, it does not make you high
  • non-toxic
  • no evidence of overdose
  • doesn’t have side effects
  • legal in the majority of the world
  • studies suggest that CBD acts to reduce the psychoactive effects of THC
  • found in the trichomes, the resin glands of the female cannabis plant
  • CBD is used in liquids, topicals, oils, capsules, chewing gum, sprays, edibles and many other products.

NOTE: If you have CBD tea, if the ingredients are only hemp, you can also smoke your hemp tea!

*Decarboxylation is an essential first step when making tea or cooking with cannabis.

The process involves applying low heat for an extended period of time to convert cannabis’ non-intoxiating THCA into THC, the cannabinoid known for its psychoactive effects. Without decarboxylation, the effects of DIY edibles may be weak or lackluster, at best.

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